Part 1 – Break Free – 3 Months in Europe!

Time to explore.

Break Free… I have been career driven for years. I’ve climbed ladders, kicked goals, over achieved, thrived on promotions, workplace praise and awards for a ‘job well done’ .  I needed to break free from my everyday pantomime. Mergers, mindlessness and patch wars had arrived at my government department and turmoil reigned from the top of the ladder to the …

Part 2 – A mindful journey to confidence

A mindful journey to confidence

Have a travel objective. “As you walk and eat and travel, be where you are. Otherwise you will miss most of your life” Buddha.   A famous American Buddhist lama, Surya Das put it simply, we scurry through life, we dwell in memories of the past and plans for the future but rarely are we fully present in this very …

Part 3 – My Travel Mantra

Sit for a while

Visit Slowly, Sit Quietly, Reflect and See Travel can be exhilarating. Surprising and liberating. A set of words would not automatically direct my journey.  I knew I had to embrace the sentiment of my travel objective and think about what a spiritual and courageous journey might look like and feel like.  I started to work on a travel mantra. I wanted …

Part 4 – Planning Your Itinerary in a Mindful way

Take photos of signs close to home to help with bearings!

Planning your itinerary Stay true to your objective and your new mantra My travel objective is: “A mindful and courageous journey to confidence” My mantra is to: “Visit slowly, sit quietly, reflect and see” Now I need an itinerary to deliver my objective in the way I have chosen to approach my travel. Traditionally there has been two ways to approach …